The best men's facial fluid guys is not your wife's face cream. This is true even though there are minor differences in the composition of men's and women's skin. The best men's facial fluid is actually an age-defensive active facial fluid. I'll explain what I mean later by "age-defense active facial fluid." Stick with me you'll like what you're about to find out.
You will find that fragrances play a big part in women's skin care products. This is due to unfortunately fragrances sell even though some contain harmful ingredients.
Let me tell you a little about fragrances then I tell you about men's facial fluid.
A dab of cologne in the morning is fine, as long as you do not go overboard, but body lotion and facial cream should not contain an added fragrance for a number of reasons, including:
* They are common allergens
* Some are toxic to the central nervous system
* Essential oils, which are concentrated plant fragrances, should not be used on the skin
* Companies are not required to fully distribute the chemicals or natural substances used to create the scent, so there is no way to be sure that you are not allergic to them
If you want to protect your skin's health and look younger than others your age, you need to look for some "special" ingredients.
There is also a quick routine that you should follow every day.
– Cleanse; use only gentle cleansers like tea tree oil or manuka honey, avoid artificial preservatives
– Lubricate for shaving; foaming creams are unnecessary, the best shaving lubricant is plain grape seed oil, available in gourmet food shops
– Moisturize; the aftershave that you use should be a moisturizing anti-aging cream, most aftershaves are primarily alcohol, which promotes redness, dryness and irritation
If you start using the "age-defensive active facial fluid" (see author box for recommendation source) instead of your regular after shave, you will start to see an amazing improvement in your complexion and your appearance. What you will not see is what is going on at a molecular level to support your skin's health.
The routine described above is good for anyone, regardless of your age, but if you are over the age of thirty, there are several things that you need to be aware of. Those things include the following.
-Your body is producing less new skin
-Your face is more prone to redness and inflammation
-Antioxidant levels in the skin cells are dropping
-Free radical molecules within the skin's cells are multiplying
-The amount of protein in your skin is dropping
An age-defense facial fluid should counter all of these things and they can, as long as the company includes the right ingredients. The ingredients that are most effective include the following.
-Protein peptides support the production of new cells and fibers
-Witch hazel reduces redness and inflammation
-Coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E supplement antioxidant levels and scavenge free radicals
-Wakame kelp protects protein levels by inhibiting enzymes that break them down
Skincare is a big subject. This was just a brief overview of the topic. If To sum it up; if you protect your skin's health, it will show! – Margaret Bell